Every year seems more crazy than the last, and I’m ready for this one to be over. I’m taking some time over the holidays to reflect on what I’ve done well and what’s brought me joy — including books.
Best Books in 2017
1. Best book you read In 2017?
- Fiction – Good Night, Mr. Wodehouse
- Non-fiction – The Devil in the White City
2. What was a book you were excited about & thought you were going to love more but didn’t?
Witches of America was disappointing. I didn’t really like the author, and couldn’t connect with her point of view.
3. What was the most surprising (in a good way!) book of the year?
Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant? was surprisingly deep and nuanced. It struck chords I wasn’t expecting.
4. What book did you read and recommended to people most?
I told multiple people about Unmentionable and The Devil in the White City.
5. What’s the best series you discovered?
Crocodile on the Sandbank was so much fun! I’ve already read the second in the series, and have 18 more go to.
6. Who’s your favorite new author you discovered?
Andy Weir. The Martian was amazing. My book club is reading his second novel, Artemis, in January.
7. What was the best book that was out of your comfort zone or was a new genre for you?
I got a little comfortable this year. Akata Witch and Love, InshAllah were my “stretch” reads, and I didn’t love either of them. Fortunately my book club is chugging along, and we’re planning to read some things that are different than my normal choices.
8. What was the most thrilling, unputdownable book of the year?
Gotta be The Devil in the White City. Oh, sweet Jesus, and Hex.
9. What book did you read this year that you are most likely to re-read next year?
Looking back over my list, there’s nothing I think I’ll re-read so soon. I read many good books this year, but there are so many more to discover.
10. What’s your favorite cover of a book you read?
An unpaved road surrounded by trees that disappear into the fog? Nothing good is happening here.
11. Who’s the most memorable character you met this year?
Miss Amelia Peabody from Crocodile on the Sandbank. I love me a sassy Victorian lady.
12. What’s the most beautifully written book you read?
Probably Hex. It’s absolutely horrifying.
13. What book had the greatest impact on you?
All of the professional development things I’ve been reading lately. It’s been a crazy few months at work, and I’m so ready for what’s coming up.
14. What book do you can’t believe you waited until this year to finally read?
Nothing jumps to mind. Most of what I read this year hadn’t been on my TBR for long.
15. Favorite passage/quote from a book you read?
This passage from Unmentionable!
You are a prize to be won. He must work to capture your affections and approval. Only the stupid and slutty trout leap out of the water to gain the fisherman’s attention. The virtuous trout simply allows the sun to gleam briefly on her shining scales and then dives back to the shadowy depths. Only a skilled man with the finest of fake bugs can ream a metal hook through her mouth. You are that trout, and the metal hook you are about to be impaled on is holy matrimony.
16. Shortest & longest book you read?
- Shortest – Minimalism (Joshua Fields Milburn and Ryan Nicodemus) – 138 pages
- Longest – The Lies of Locke Lamora (Scott Lynch) – 719 pages
17. What book had a scene in it that left you reeling and dying to talk to somebody?
My book club read Cloud Atlas and had a fabulous conversation about it. It’s a meaty read, one I was glad not to have attempted without having some people to talk with about it afterwards.
18. What’s your favorite relationship from a book you read this year (be it romantic, friendship, etc.)?
Amelia and Radcliffe from Crocodile on the Sandbank. I’m a sucker for a Beatrice-and-Benedick relationship.
19. What’s your favorite book you read this year from an author you’ve read previously?
As always, Clive Cussler. A friend introduced me to his books in high school, and I read a couple new ones every year.
20. What’s the best book you read based solely on a recommendation from someone else?
Everything we’ve read for book club this year:
- Station Eleven (Emily St. John Mandel)
- The Eyre Affair (Jasper Fforde)
- Cloud Atlas (David Mitchell)
- Midnight Riot (Ben Aaronovitch)
- Ancillary Justice (Ann Leckie)
- The Lies of Locke Lamora (Scott Lynch)
- Good Omens (Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman)
While I’d never say I enjoyed all of these books, I did enjoy discussing them with my club. Looking forward to more interesting stuff in 2018!
21. What genre did you read the most from this year?
To no one’s surprise, it’s mystery/thriller.
22. Who’s your newest fictional crush from a book you read?
Mark Watney from The Martian. Smart and funny? Sign me up.
23. What’s the best 2017 debut you read?
I have no idea. I don’t pay attention to publication dates.
24. Which book you read this year had the most vivid world/imagery?
Tie between The Lies of Locke Lamora and Hex.
25. What book was the most fun to read?
All books are fun to read for different reasons. I enjoyed Pleating for Mercy for its lightness, Option B for its ideas about resilience, and The Best Place to Work for its sheer nerdiness.
26. What book made you cry or nearly cry in 2017?
Good Night, Mr. Wodehouse. My husband found me crying on the couch after I read the last couple pages.
27. What book did you read that you think got overlooked this year (or the year it came out)?
I think Laughing all the Way to the Mosque is flying under the radar. It was published in 2014, but I think it’s an important book to make visible.
Looking Ahead
1. What’s one book you didn’t get to in 2017 that will be your biggest priority in 2018?
I need to get my butt in gear for book club. We’re reading The Casual Vacancy and Artemis. I also want to dive into Build Your Dream Network, which just arrived on my doorstep.
2. What book you are most anticipating for 2018 (non-debut)?
I don’t plan my reading in advance much, other than book club, so pretty much anything.
3. What 2018 debut do you anticipate most?
This isn’t something I care about. If I hear about a book and it happens to be a debut, that’s neither here nor there.
4. Which series ending in 2018 do you anticipate most?
I haven’t read many series this year, and none of them are ending in 2018.
5. What’s one thing you hope to accomplish in your reading/blogging in 2018?
I’m not sure. I’m feeling a little rudderless when it comes to this blog. Part of me wants to close it down, but I enjoy using it to keep track of my reading and hone my writing skills. Maybe I’ll continue with The Write Stuff challenge. We’ll see.
What are your 2018 reading goals? Let’s talk!