We’re sliding into summer like a greased pig, and The Write Stuff is back on track.
Goal 1: Finish four short stories in 2017
Look at that! We’ve got movement in row four. It felt good to get the second draft of that chapter posted and critiqued. And most of the feedback was pretty nitpicky, which is generally a good sign.
Now if only I could come up with that fourth story idea…
Goal 2: Do as many of the 642 Tiny Things to Write About as I can
I think this one might be a bust. The writing exercises are too tiny and focused, and I don’t enjoy doing them.
Last month I talked about how several members of the D&D campaign I’m in are using our Facebook group to post in-character stuff. I’m really enjoying that. Our DM has plopped us into a great world and story, and it’s fun exploring my character.
Let’s adjust this goal. Write one in-character scene after every game session.
Goal 3: Join a writing community (and actually share stuff for feedback)
Scribophile is still amazing. But I think I’ve been trying to “eat the elephant” by unhinging my jaw and swallowing it whole when everyone knows the best way is to take one bite at a time.
I started critiquing just one story per day. It took me longer to earn the karma I needed to post both parts of my chapter, but I felt much less overwhelmed. I also felt like the single critique I left was better and more comprehensive.
Posting my chapter was less scary this time, mainly because I knew it was in a good place. I pulled all the critiques into Google Docs, and will look at them this weekend when I have spare brainpower.
Goal 4: Document it all on this blog
It’s always easier to post when you have something to post about. June and July are going to be crazy, and I’m hoping to use the energy from feeling successful these last couple of weeks to coast through.
How’s your writing going?