(Share Your World is a weekly meme hosted by Cee at Cee’s Photography. You don’t have to be a photographer to participate, just a fan of learning about other people!)
What is your most favorite smell/scent?
I love the smell of lavender soap because it reminds me of my paternal grandmother. I like the mixed smells of Best Friend’s shampoo and deodorant. Also, the smell of anything delicious cooking.
How do you write: computer, longhand or other?
Usually on my computer, just because it’s faster and I’m less likely to lose a saved document than a scrap of paper. I also love using tools like Google Drive and Evernote to organize and store my digital notes.
Your favorite blog post that you have written?
I’ve been blogging for a little over four years now, so it’s hard to pick just one favorite post. But if I had to pick, I’d go with Sing from the Sacred Harp.
It’s not particularly eloquent, but it showcases my love for a kind of music that most people don’t get. It represents a bit of an “ah ha” moment in my musical journey, and that makes it important to me.
What’s one of your favorite books from childhood?
Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House on the Prairie books were the first chapter books/series I remember reading, and I read them so much that the covers fell off. Her writing is just so incredibly descriptive, it puts me right there on the prairie.
Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?
I had my fourth CBT session last week, and have learned (and am continuing to learn) lots of ways to manage my anxiety and stress.
This weekend I’m heading to the Southwest Texas Sacred Harp Convention, where I’ll get to meet up with fellow singers and spend two days with the music I love!
Good list with some really great answers. I like lavender too. It’s so old fashioned, but I love it.
The harp story was really nice. 🙂
Nothing wrong with loving old-fashioned things! 🙂
Glad you liked the Sacred Harp story. It’s one of my favorite things to do and talk about.
I loved the Laura Ingalls Wilder series too! I had them all and they were in pretty ratty shape from so much reading.
Did you have a favorite, Trisha? Little House on the Prairie was always my go-to. I also read the series by Wilder’s daughter Rose, and those were fun too.