Title: How to Raise and Keep a Dragon
Author: “John Topsell” (Joseph Nigg)
Genre: Children’s Literature
Publication Date: 2006
How to Raise and Keep a Dragon is the go-to guide for anyone who is interested in purchasing, keeping, training, and showing a dragon. Written by John Topsell, descendant of the great historian Edward Topsell, this guide can help you find the breed of dragon that is perfect for you and your family.
Some thoughts
Okay, so obviously this isn’t a real guide to buying and raising a dragon — it’s a book for children, 5th grade and up. But that didn’t stop me from enjoying it.
The first chapter guides the reader through the process of deciding whether or not owning a dragon is for them. Chapter two goes into great detail about each breed, including temperament, habitat, and distinguishing features. The rest of the book is about expenses associated with raising a dragon (hint: it ain’t cheap), and tips for training and showing your dragon.
This was a fun read, and I especially enjoyed the fantastical illustrations by Dan Malone. Whether you’ve got kids or are just obsessed with dragons, How to Raise and Keep a Dragon could be the perfect book for you.
What’s your favorite fantasy creature? Would you raise a dragon?