Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly event hosted by Should Be Reading. The rules are simple:
- Grab your current read
- Open to a random page
- Share two “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page (as well as the book’s title and author)
- Be careful not to include spoilers
Every time I open Jenny Lawson’s memoir Let’s Pretend This Never Happened, I nearly wet myself with laughter. Case in point:
I once asked my mom exactly why Daddy kept bobcats, and she said it was because “he collects their urine.” Because, yeah. Whose father doesn’t have some sort of collection? (Also, for those of you not from bobcat territory, bobcats are like small, easily underestimated tigers. They’ll avoid confrontation if they can, but push them too far and they’ll cheerfully eat your face off. They’re like tiny, undermedicated badgers and should be avoided.)
This is just the tip of the insanity iceberg. Other stories involve ninja turkeys, taxidermy, and accidental laxative overdoses. And it’s fantastic.
that was really crazy! collecting bobcat urine? hmmm… maybe it’s true that the urine of cats (or bobcats or any other felines) glow in the dark? that’s why he collects them? ohhh…
i love your blog 🙂
I know that some hunters use deer urine when hunting to mask their human scent; maybe he was planning to hunt bobcats? Also, he’s a taxidermist; maybe he was using the urine in that process somehow. The point is, homeboy’s a little…odd. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by, Claire!