(WWW Wednesdays is a meme hosted by Should Be Reading.)
To play along just answer the following three questions:
- What did you recently finish reading?
- What are you currently reading?
- What do you think you’ll read next?
Recently finished
Over the weekend I demolished Eldest (the second in Christopher Paolini’s Inheritance series). I don’t usually write reviews for sequels, but enjoyed both this book and Eragon enough to continue with the series.
Currently reading
I’m about halfway through Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God. The dialect is a little bit of an issue, but taking my time to pronounce the words (whether in my head or aloud) helps. Enjoying it so far.
Coming up next
I’m hoping to pick up Mistress of the Art of Death (Ariana Franklin), both because I need to keep up with the Pay it Sideways Challenge and because I’m in the mood for a little creepiness.
What are you reading this week?
Wow, it’s certainly been awhile since I’ve heard a reference to Their Eyes Were Watching God. I loved that book when I read it in high school. I usually can’t stand books that spell out the dialogues like that. I always felt it was an insult to my intelligence as if the author simply stated what accent the character had, I would do it in my head regardless. But I loved that book. Glad you are enjoying it. It’s been years since I read it.
Hurston’s novel is not one that I would naturally pick up. But I needed a 20th century classic novel for the Back to the Classics challenge, and had just happened to read a short essay about Janie a few days prior. Serendipity!
I agree with you about dialects. They can be really distracting. Fortunately it’s well done in this case, so it’s not as irritating as it could be.