Set in 17th century Puritan Salem, Massachusetts, The Scarlet Letter tells the story of Hester Prynne, a woman who has a child out of wedlock. She refuses to give the name of the child’s father, and for her actions is forced to forever wear a large scarlet “A” on her clothing as a sign of…
Tag: spirituality
Review: The Year of Living Biblically
The Year of Living Biblically is, as the subtitle states, One Man’s Humble Quest to Follow the Bible as Literally as Possible. Author A.J. Jacobs is not known for committing to projects by halves; while his year-long quest involves following the “biggies” (10 Commandments, Golden Rule), he also endeavors to follow the stranger, and archaic,…
Review: The Dog That Talked to God
When the recently widowed and depressed Mary buys a Miniature Schnauzer, she expects her life to get a little crazy: potty training, chewing, etc. What she doesn’t expect is a talking dog. To make the situation even stranger, Rufus doesn’t just talk to her — he talks to God, too. When Rufus begins giving Mary…
Review: I Am Hutterite
Mary-Ann Kirkby is a respected journalist with a secret. She was born a Hutterite, a conservative religious community 45,000 members in 400 colonies in the northwestern United States and Canada. Her childhood could be described as idyllic, with strong friendship and family bonds, work and religion, delicious food, and a sense of belonging. But it…
Love always wins.
Title: Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived Author: Rob Bell Genre: Non-Fiction – Spirituality Publication Date: 2011 My first brush with Rob Bell came in college, when I participated in a Bible Study centered around his NOOMA videos. My core group of friends fell totally…