Title: The Good Neighbors: Kin and Kith Author: Holly Black, illus. Ted Naifeh Genre: Graphic Novel Publication Date: 2008 and 2009 Beware: The fairie world is about to crash into our own. Strange things are happening around Rue Silver. Her mother has disappeared, and her father has been arrested for the murder of one of…
Tag: first in a series
“What’s so special about you, Ai Ling?”
Title: Silver Phoenix: Beyond the Kingdom of Xia Author: Cindy Pon Genre: Young Adult Publication Date: 2010 Ai Ling’s betrothal has just fallen through. Too tall, according to her would-be mother-in-law. Not that she said this out loud — Ai Ling could hear the woman’s thoughts. And that’s not the only weird thing that’s been…
“It begins with a discovery of witches.”
Title: A Discovery of Witches Author: Deborah Harkness Genre: Fiction, Supernatural Publication Date: 2011 Dr. Diana Bishop is the last descendant of Bridget Bishop, the first woman executed during the 1692 Salem Witch Trials. And just like her ancestor, Diana is a witch. But since the death of her parents when she was seven, Diana…
“Even before he got electrocuted, Jason was having a rotten day.”
Title: The Lost Hero Author: Rick Riordan Genre: Young Adult Fiction Publication Date: October 2010 Jason wakes with a start. He’s on a bus holding hands with Piper, a girl he doesn’t know, and a boy called Leo is cracking jokes with him like they’ve been friends forever. Jason has apparently been a student at…
“Everyone knew what came to those who crossed King Randa of the Middluns.”
Title: Graceling Author: Kristin Cashore Genre: YA Fiction, Fantasy Publication Date: 2008 Purchase Price: $10.00 (paperback) In the Seven Kingdoms there is a saying: Beware the blue-eyed, green-eyed girl. Some are Graced with a talent for baking, or dancing, and even useless things like speaking backwards. But Katsa, niece of the King of the Middluns,…