The Unexpected Mrs. PollifaxDorothy GilmanFiction, audiobook “It struck her as extremely characterless for any human being to sit around waiting for execution. It wasn’t that she had so much character, thought Mrs. Pollifax, but rather that always in her life she had found it difficult to submit. The list of her small rebellions was endless….
Author: amypeveto
What I read: May 2023
A Gentleman in MoscowAmor TowlesFiction, paperback, book club “And when the Count’s parents succumbed to cholera within hours of each other in 1900, it was the Grand Duke who took the young Count aside and explained that he must be strong for his sister’s sake; that adversity presents itself in many forms; and that if…
What I read: April 2023
Common SenseThomas PaineNon-fiction, audiobook “Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity…
What I read: March 2023
The Wilderness of Ruin: A Tale of Madness, Fire, and the Hunt for America’s Youngest Serial KillerRoseanne MontilloNon-fiction, paperback “Cleckley described psychopaths as ‘hot headed, manipulative, irresponsible, self-centered, shallow, lacking in empathy or anxiety…also more violent, more likely to recidivate, and less likely to respond to treatment.’ His description became the most influential and most…
What I read: February 2023
Hell’s Half-Acre: The Untold Story of the Benders, a Serial Killer Family on the American FrontierSusan JonusasNon-fiction, hardback A deep look into the mysterious Bender family, whose claim to fame involved murdering at least 11 people and burying them in their Kansas homestead orchard. Many sensational reports have been written about the “bloody Benders” and…