Title: Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers Author: Mary Roach Genre: Non-fiction, science Publication date: 2003 Purchase price: $10 Today’s blog is all about serendipitous finds. Sometime during the summer of 2003, I was wandering around Barnes and Noble with my father. I didn’t have any particular purchases in mind, so I was just…
Tag: humor
“Eventually I had to accept that I wasn’t working in restaurants to support my art…”
Title: Service Included: Four-Star Secrets of an Eavesdropping Waiter Author: Phoebe Damrosch Genre: Non-fiction, biography Publication Date: 2008 Purchase Price: About $15.00 Welcome to the second (and final) part of my “Get a Job!” series. Last time I gave a quick rundown of What Color is Your Parachute?, a book that will help you find…
“Martin opened the refrigerator and saw precisely what he had expected.”
I love moments like this: when I stumble across a book that turns out to be one of the best reads of my summer. I’m still a little bitter about the Curse of the Bargain Bin Book, so it’s been nice to get back to my regular awesome reading. Today’s book was a great reminder…
Geek, Geekier, Geekiest
As you may or may not have heard, yesterday was “Embrace Your Geekiness Day.” How do I know this, you ask? Because I’m a geek, and I get the monthly newsletter. Duh. What is a Geek? An excellent question. The most common definition of geek is “a computer expert or enthusiast (a term of pride…
“We all have our own ways of dealing with grief and pain.”
Title: Mennonite in a Little Black Dress (A Memoir of Going Home) Author: Rhoda Janzen Genre: Non-fiction Publication Date: 2010 Purchase Price: $10 (paperback) Rhoda Janzen has had a rough week. First her husband leaves her for a guy named Bob he met on Gay.com, and then she gets into a horrible car accident that…